What interior design elements should house builders concentrate on?
What interior design elements should house builders concentrate on?
Lucy was asked by Show House Mag
What feedback do you get from consumers that you wish house builders would concentrate on?
A designer talks
With space at a premium, consumers are concerned with the practicalities of living in a space. Space is needed to live comfortable, to eat, socialise and to accommodate changes from a parent moving in to a growing family.
Getting the basics right and practicalities of the building, (outside and in), from the start/at planning stage are needed. Simple things need to be considered from storing the hoover, to where the ironing board goes.
Architects and builders need to consider storage solutions, and natural light. The space that reflects everyday living and a persons lifestyle, – from extra plugs, (and in the right place), to those with USB ports and having a broom cupboard! will pay dividends.
Access to an outside space too, even if a juilette balcony and you can open the doors to bring the outside in.