Design Trends – Orange (colour predictions for 2017)
2016 saw copper and rose gold big time! This will evolve into softer terracottas, blush neutrals, and burnt amber and oranges for a more sophisticated colour story.
There will be a shift away from the copper ‘full on frenzy’, with more softer warmer metallic hues like bronze, metals more weathered and beaten and with a more lasting, authentic quality – metal hues that have more longevity in interiors, and indeed work within more styles and palettes too.
An overall trend is that the world is changing, becoming more frenzied and the home will become more collected, treasured with the need to spend less time with technology and social media. Hence the need to create balance, and escape within an interior. Remember it is a ‘home’ after all! There will be a move to go ‘offline’, to get away from the laptop, iPhone, to communicate with each other the old fashioned way! So we will see relaxed furniture and a more creative homely use of space. From reading nooks, the outside coming in, and garden upmarket ‘shed’ bolt holes.